Journey to Ease & Grace

lSteps to Transcend Struggle, Enjoy Ease and Grace, living the Life You LoveĀ 
As a Mentor and Coach, I share my extraordinary story and the way I transcended struggle for ease and grace, doing what I love.

This book will take you on a journey, delving into the drama and struggle we are conditioned for. Then, tips, exercises and concepts to release limiting beliefs and patterns and reprogram your Subconscious Emotional Mind, to create new Neural Pathways for your Deepest Desires!

It gives you the ability to achieve Equilibrium, unaffected by External Circumstances, becoming the change you want to see, living a life you love, perfect for this time in the world!

books Tula Tzoras Goddess Guide Affirmations

Areti Goddess Guide

The Perfect Daily Companion to Create New Neural Pathways, reprogram your Subconscious Emotional Mind and a Brand New You!

Choose an Affirmation or Practice for the Day or Week. Repeat it all day, keep it visible as a Reminder.
A Roadmap to an Authentic, Confident, Feminine, Powerful Goddess, YOU

Books Tula Tzoras Actors Acting

The Actor's Secret Weapon

A Career and Creative Life Guide for Actors Kindle Edition
In this book, Tula Tzoras shares her own journey as an Actor and the lessons learnt. Tula merges acting with spirituality in this career and creative life guide for Actors. The Actor's Secret Weapon is, indeed a weapon for a successful acting career. With step by step instructions, what you need to know!

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